
Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance

KarimSyah is internationally recognized as the undisputed market leader and innovator of Islamic finance in Indonesia. Iswahjudi Karim and Mirza Karim created and drafted most of the current documentation used by many banks for these transactions. He and a number of our other lawyers frequently advise all nature of corporations and Islamic banks relating to a wide ranging variety of transactions involving Islamic financing, including issuance of Sukuk, Islamic asset-backed securities, drafting Sharia agreements such as Mudharabah, Ijarah, Syirkah Al-Milk, Musyarakah, Murabahah, and assisting or advising on all other financing techniques under the Islamic principles. We have vast experience in structuring some of the most complex Islamic financing transactions and have always maintained close connections with many different Sharia based committees or corporations, such as the National Sharia Board of Indonesia, as well as various Sharia banks. It is our policy to ensure that we remain fully updated on any new Sharia products, aside from those we design, and we are invariably the first counsel requested to advise on any other new Sharia products on the market.